Sustainability at the Farm
Our Hyde Park Greenhouse was designed with sustainable, chemical-free growing practices in mind. We have glass walls, rainwater collection tanks, heated flood benches, an insulated foundation, solar-powered roof vents and thermal curtains to maximize our energy. A 10' x 12' greenhouse at the back of our Hyde Park property runs completely off the grid. Our two high tunnels currently run on nothing more than sunlight and hard work.
Glass Greenhouse
We harness the power of sunlight.
Our Hyde Park Greenhouse features glass walls which allow for a higher level of light transmission than the leading alternative polycarbonate. We capitalize on natural sunlight and avoid energy-intensive alternative light sources.

Rainwater Collection Tanks
We use rainwater for the majority of our greenhouse watering.
Two 3,500 gallon rainwater collection tanks buried under the greenhouse collect excess rainwater from the roof. These tanks fill the flood bench watering system and hoses in the greenhouse.
Heated Flood Benches
Our heated flood benches reduce wasted water and heat.
We grow our microgreens and plants on a heated flood bench system. The benches flood with water on an interval timer, allowing plants to take up only as much water as they need. The benches keep the plants warm from the roots up and allow for the greenhouse to be 5-15°F cooler than would otherwise be necessary.

Insulated Foundation
Our heat-trapping insulated foundation allows for energy-efficient heating and cooling.
Insulating the soil below the greenhouse prevents heat loss through the ground, an area that generally accounts for 15% of an average home's total heat loss! In the winter months, the greenhouse's temperature is stable from the trapped heat of the underground soil, reducing the need for excess heating.
Solar-Powered Roof Vents
Our greenhouse works with, not against, natural conditions in regulating temperature.
Our solar-powered roof vents open and close automatically based on the temperature, eliminating the need for ventilation exhaust fans.

Thermal Curtains
Our retractable thermal curtains significantly reduce heat loss from the ceiling of the greenhouse.
Thermal curtains are an energy efficient heating and cooling system. When closed at night, the curtains trap heat inside the greenhouse and reduce any additional heating. On sunny days, the curtains provide shade.
Soliculture Solar Panels
Our sixty-two transculent Soliculture solar panels allow red light to filter through to our plants.
Soliculture's LUMO technology uses narrow silicon photovoltaic strips to allow natural sunlight to penetrate the panels. A thin layer of luminescent material converts green light to red light, which has been scientifically proven to have the highest efficiency for photosynthesis in plants. We are the first company on the East Coast to install these panels.

Net-Zero Greenhouse
A 10' x 12' greenhouse at the back of our property is completely net-zero and off the grid.
Our second greenhouse on our Hyde Park property, built by Maine Garden, features a solar panel that powers the roof vents, pumps and lights. There is even a rain barrels to collect rainwater off the roof. During the construction of the main greenhouse this was our main growing space.
Radiant Floor Heat
Our radiant floor heating system delivers heat directly to the plants and people that inhabit the greenhouse. Traditional heating systems rely on hot air to transfer heat, which can often result in energy waste if air is able to escape. Radiant heating systems minimize this energetic loss.

Community Preservation Act Path
A community walking path borders the length of the farm. The path was designed by landscape architect Wes Wirth and features all native perennials. This additional green-space is free, open to the public, and provides crucial habitat to local wildlife.
Thank you to the Massachusetts Department of Agriculture for their continued support in making these sustainability initiatives possible.